Providing exceptional legal services at an affordable cost for 35 years.
Experience matters

Providing exceptional legal services at an affordable cost for 33 years.
Experience matters.


1. Personal Service.
Legal services are personal services. We value every relationship.

2. Keep it Simple.
The law is complex. Our job is to communicate in plain language.

3. Money Matters.
Protection of your assets is our primary job. We also know that legal services cost money and thus we are committed to full transparency with our fees.

4. Stay Agile.
The only thing constant is change. We adapt to the work.

5. Leverage Technology.
We are a paperless office with a focus on the latest technology to reduce client costs and improve services.

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Please note, unless you are an existing client of Puget Law we will not treat your communication as a confidential communication until we have had an opportunity to assess your legal issue and satisfy ourselves that representing you will not create a conflict of interest. Accordingly, in your initial communication, please do not tell us anything you want to keep private. Please provide only (1) the identity of all other parties to the dispute or transaction you are inquiring about and (2) a brief description of the nature of the dispute or transaction.

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